July Newsletter: Feature Updates|Field Sales|Field Marketing|Territory Management

Austin Rolling

Dec 28, 2016

New Feature Updates:

Dear Outfield User:

Ahem!! We’ve been working hard for you and excited to inform you guys about some new capabilities that will help you be more effective in the field:
1. Territory Mapping is now available on the web to help route your visits better. More travel efficiency means more time with clients and less time stuck in a vehicle!

2. Form Completion Auto-Save is now available on iOS. This means that if someone calls, or your phone goes idle Outfield automatically saves a draft and you can pick up where you left off.

3. Activity Search on iOS now allows you to search activities that include specific keywords (i.e. you want to search activity notes with the phrase “sales”).

As, always if you have any requests for feature capabilities or questions about the application feel free to reach out to us.

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” ~ Peter F. Drucker


Austin Rolling MBA ‘14
[email protected]

Field Sales|Field Marketing|Territory Management

Field MarketingUpdates/FeaturesTerritory ManagementField Sales

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