More Data, More Sales

Austin Rolling

Aug 29, 2014

What's the point of an app if you can't determine its influence on your bottom line? If you can't see the impact that a piece of software makes, then why use it at all? At Outfield, we understand data is the key to analyzing success. That's why starting today we're launching a new data export tool for sales managers.


Run all the analysis you want to with all the data you need: compare outside sales reps' checkin duration, frequency, location, etc. We'd personally suggest putting some of these figures next to sales data (in Excel) to see how personal interaction and face-to-face conversations increase overall sales.

Keep in mind, this beta release of the export tool means a few things: A) there may be a couple of bugs, so email us if you have ANY issues B) this is the tip of the iceberg, we've got a number of data analysis features coming down the pipe.

Find this new feature on the "Import/Export" page. Link in the main navigation section once logged in.


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